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Social Media Press Releases


Being new to this arena, I’ve had to learn quickly about the newest ideas relating to the Internet. With a background in public relations, I was intrigued to hear about a new form of press release being put out. With the interactive nature of the Internet, there had to be a way for people to “touch” this information. When I say touch, I mean people are able to comment back, they can pass it on; not just read the information and be done.

That’s when I started to learn about Social Media Press Releases. I’ve listened to people such as Shannon Whitley and Brian Solis, and read blogs by Tom Foremski who are leading the charge in explaining SMPRs.

These press releases allow the reader to chat about the news on websites such as Technorati, and Digg. People can also view videos right from the release or from links to YouTube. There are several models available to view by doing a search of Social Media Releases.

I like the idea of SMPRs because they get right to the point. Information is bulleted, links within the release point out where more information can be researched, and they are getting amazing pickup with Google Universal Search due to the inclusion of multimedia files.

As for writing the releases, you’re able to direct your web traffic where you want them to go. I can point out history trends, take you to past articles, or show you charts on why this news release is important.

I definitely see Social Media Releases getting more attention over the next year.