AdWords Trick – Dynamic Keyword Insertion
Many pay per click advertisers are now using dynamic keyword insertion in their ad copy. Many, however are no getting the most out of this trick because they do not understand the capitalization techniques. The way you use capitalization in your keyword insertion command will directly affect the capitalization in the ad that appears. Here are some ways to control capitalization in your keyword insertion ads.
Lets say a user is searching “ten golden rules”. Here is how it will look using different keyword insertion capitalization variations:
If your ad uses this command: {keyword:Internet Marketing}, the ad will read “ten golden rules”. (no capitalization)
If your ad uses this command: {Keyword:Internet Marketing}, the ad will read “Ten golden rules”. (only the first letter of the first word is capitalized)
If your ad uses this command: {KeyWord:Internet Marketing}, the ad will read “Ten Golden Rules”. (the first letter of each word is capitalized)
If your ad uses this command: {KEYWORD:Internet Marketing}, the ad will read “TEN GOLDEN RULES”. (all letters are capitalized)
In most cases, it is best to capitalize the first letter of each word (KeyWord:). Play around with some different variations and see how they work for your campaign.