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Do you have your sh*t together? Law Firm Success Formula

Olivia Bibbee

I know your firm isn’t unsuccessful… but could it be doing better?

If you feel like your firm isn’t performing, I might have just the diagnosis. If you aren’t following the best practices of successful law firms, you won’t see the success your firm is capable of.

Here are the top qualities we’ve seen in law firms that are doing GREAT, not just okay:


1. They have their sh*t together. It may sound obvious, but we have a vision into over 500 firms – and the ones that have systems in place, great training and long term employee retention do 10X the business than the firms who are in constant chaos. Implementing repeatable systems and a program such as EOS (The Entrepreneurs Operating System) is a godsend for the disorganized law firm.

2. They trust the experts. I’ve seen it time and time again – Law firms will ask for best practices, then tell me “I wouldn’t use a chat box on a website” or “I never watch video online!” and they dismiss the strategies we’ve proven over and over. These “DIY” firms always fall behind, and they are surpassed by those that know when to listen to the expertise of those that know what they’re talking about (like Ten Golden Rules).

3. They answer the phone! Every law firm tells me that they answer their phones effectively. When we set up call tracking (which gives us critical business data) and/or start Google Screened (LSAs) which automatically records lead calls – we almost always find multiple missed and dropped calls, long hold times and substard intake procedures.

4. They get 5-Star Reviews. This may seem like a very basic thing, but if your firm doesn’t have great systems and great customer support you won’t get consistent 5-star reviews. We all check the reviews! And, Google’s algorithm requires 1-2 new reviews per week to rank in the Top 3 of Google Screened and the Google Maps 3-Pack.


Are you tired of being stuck among the non-performers? Schedule a call with our CEO Jay Berkowitz today to learn some cutting-edge strategies to build your firm’s performance and improve your marketing programs.