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Facebook Marketing Tips: Best Practices for Your Page’s Facebook Posts


Bettering Your Business Use of Facebook
By Leah Herman
Running a Facebook page has become a standard part of any company’s online marketing program, so chances are that your business already has one. The question is this: are you maximizing your Facebook impact? With the following Facebook marketing tips, businesses can get a better grip on their consumer base and foster community engagement.
First, though, let’s understand why engagement is so important. Engagement means that the people who like your page are interacting with it – by commenting, sharing or liking. When they do this, their friends see what they do which spurs even more engagement. This activity is what makes your page more important in Facebook’s eyes – and therefore – ensures more of your posts will be seen in the newsfeed.
While businesses who use Facebook have many options for posting engaging content on their Facebook pages, the most effective type by far is the photo. Single photos take less time to engage with than other type of post and don’t require leaving the newsfeed, so it’s easier to garner likes. Photo albums are even more effective because they foster curiosity in your fan base. Compare the two images below: clearly, the meme at the top went viral – but the photo album below achieved twice the virality. Types of photos you may want to consider posting include relevant memes, product photos, event photos, and behind-the-scenes photos. Adding a short and sweet comment or question to the photo can also help build engagement.
Memes are images with funny, clever or inspirational text on them. They offer instant recognition and appeal to Facebook users who might not want to take the time to click through a link or an entire photo album. “Facebook Candy” like this offers an eye-catching pop of excitement to a user’s news feed that makes them more likely to interact. Below is an example of a meme you might see on Facebook from the Facebook Fan Page Nurses Rock:
Another Facebook marketing tip: While videos take more time to view than photos, they provide variety and can offer a different perspective on your brand. Post videos relevant to your industry, but don’t be afraid to go out and create your own. Videos with a sense of humor, videos that teach Facebook users something valuable to them, and videos offering impressive stunts often do well. Make sure that you add a comment or question to your post, as with photos. Also, pay attention to the title and description you specify for the video – these elements can really make the video stand out in the newsfeed. Use a call to action or an otherwise eye-catching title.
Typically, messages that directly promote your brand will engage users less. Providing your users with a much higher ratio of entertaining, educational or humorous content that does not advertise your brand will ensure that there is more engagement for posts that are promotional in nature. When you do post something self-promotional, keep it short and sweet and try to include photos or questions to get more attention.
Taking care of a business’ Facebook page can build a base of devoted fans and customers that spread the word about products and services offered. This is why it’s important to craft posts that will grab the attention of Facebook fans in an increasingly media-saturated world. Through the business use of Facebook, creating more effective photo posts, video posts, and promotional posts will help raise brand awareness and build lifelong customers.