Searching for the Next SEM Guru
Marketing Pilgrim is putting out the call to all search engine marketing (SEM) professionals to enter their SEM Scholarship. Don’t worry folks, unlike American Idol, SEM professionals won’t be asked to jump up on stage and sing their latest diddy on search engine marketing. Instead, the challenge is put forth to write a compelling article on search engine marketing.
With more than $10,000 dollars worth of prizes, one lucky winner will have a chance to jump start their career by being recognized by the leaders in search engine marketing. Their panel of judges include some of the top SEM gurus in the fields of search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) and a new, groundbreaking online public relations technique, social media optimization (SMO).
Don’t wait to enter, the entry deadline is April 6th. To find out more about this exciting SEM contest, visit