Social Media Overload : Tips on Being Successful with Social Media
Many of us, me included has dealt with information overload at some point, and because the internet is limitless, the creation of social media sites are always popping up. I’m sure a lot of the social media fanatics out there try out every social media site that comes up, but at some point there is always a feeling of being overwhelmed. If we spent all day on social networking sites, we’d never get anything done.
Here are a few tips to avoid social media overload.
1. Pick social media sites that you find that benefit you. Are you trying to keep in touch with friends who live all over the world? Then you’ll probably enjoy Facebook or MySpace. Like to express what’s on your mind? Maybe you’ll enjoy Twitter. Do you like to read about the latest news on the Internet? Then you may like Digg.
2. It’s ok to try but not ‘buy.’ You may enjoy Plurk, Pownce or Brightkite, but is it interfering with your life? If you don’t want to feel out of the loop then don’t give yourself more than 5 minutes on each site.
3. Think about why you joined these social networks in the first place? Did you sign up because you want to be the first to know? Or is it useful to your everyday life? Not everyone is the same and it’s ok if you don’t have a Facebook account if you know that you won’t use it. Those who are looking for you will eventually find you.