There Are Options To Using Web Browsers!
There Are Options To Web Browsers!
We all that when you buy a PC your computer already contains Internet Explorer, but everyone does have an option to use another browser. Firefox 4 was just released and has been downloaded more than 5 million times in less than 24 hours. As of this blog the Firefox counter has over 16.5 million times and continues to grow. According to Mashable, when IE9 was available it had reach only 2.35 million downloads. How’s this, in America, California leads in downloads over New York by over 300,000 downloads. Having these options allows users to surf the web more intelligently and have a better experience. Personally I’ve tried Chrome, IE, Safari and Firefox and really enjoy using Firefox for many reasons. Want to see some of the benefits, here is a great tool to learn Firefox and why you should be using it too.