This Wednesday’s @TenGoldenRules Webinar: YouTube: A Social Storyteller
By now, we all know how powerful of a platform YouTube is for business, pleasure and everything in between. It’s now the second largest search engine, right behind Google. How exactly can you harness the power of YouTube for your business and grow your brand through powerful video searches?
Video has become a perfect lead generation and client conversion tool. YouTube has made it so easy to use that everyone is jumping onto the bandwagon. Good news for you, most videos are horrible! By learning and applying some basic tips, you can rise above your competition. Pat Ferdinandi, Video Strategist for Viditude will share tips you can use to improve your videos on YouTube. Pat Ferdinandi has a unique combination of skills are available to help you succeed. Her
experience as a public speaker, trainer, screenwriter, published author, and business management consultant are brought together for this webinar.
Click here to register for FREE (10-23-13 at 12:30pm EST)
About Pat Ferdinandi:
Pat Ferdinandi is a social media strategist and video branding expert. She owns and operates Viditude, a video specialist service that offers brands and individuals the opportunities to reach a broader audience with their message.
From her website Viditude:
I call myself a Chief Thought Translator because I help convert YOUR ideas into something to help YOU make more revenue. My enthusiasm and creative mind add a touch of levity to make every interaction a friendly and productive one. The ideas and suggestions I share are always focused on helping YOU to succeed. After all, it’s not a transaction but a relationship! Allow me the opportunity to help YOU succeed telling YOUR visual story with Video Marketing!
Click here to register for FREE (10-23-13 at 12:30pm EST)