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Three Small Changes to Add To Your Blog Today


Have a blog and unsure about how to make it better? We all know that by doing at least 1 change a day, you’re one step away from greatness. Here are some easy to implement tips you can add to your blog today.

Add images to your blog posts. Adding images that are relevant to your content will definitely give your blog post some personality, and will illustrate your message a lot more clearly to the reader. Find some free stock photos at

Keep your readers up to date. Make sure you give your readers a way to keep them up to date with your content. Give them an option to subscribe to your blog through RSS or email updates. Feedburner is a great tool for this and is free.

Have an “About” page. Make sure if you don’t have an “About” page you should consider creating one. Readers will appreciate your blog more if you do include this, even if the “About” page is only a paragraph.