[Today] InternetMarketingClub.org Presents: The ABCs of SEO
Author of The Ten Golden Rules of Online Marketing and Founder of The Internet Marketing Club, Mr Jay Berkowitz will share the ABC’s of SEO. The core
principles of Search Engine optimization will be discussed in this hour-long presentation. If you’re an Internet marketing enthusiast, you cannot afford to miss this webinar!
In this webinar, you will learn:
– the core strategies for getting your website listed in
Google and other search engine results
– Key website design elements for search engine success
– The power of ‘backinks’ links form other website TO your
site, and how to get them
– The critical components of what to include on your website
to appeal to the search algorithims
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About Jay Berkowitz:
Jay Berkowitz is an author, an educator, an International keynote speaker and an award-winning thought leader. A senior online marketing professional with over twenty years of marketing experience, Mr. Berkowitz has managed marketing departments for Fortune 500 brands: Coca-Cola, Sprint and McDonald’s Restaurants, and he has developed online and offline strategies for AT&T and leading health and fitness website eDiets.com.
Mr. Berkowitz is the author of The Ten Golden Rules of Online Marketing Workbook, the Founder and CEO of www.TenGoldenRules.com, a strategic online marketing consulting business based in Boca Raton, Florida. He is the host of the Ten Golden Rules of Internet Marketing Podcast, an Adjunct Professor with the University of San Francisco Internet Marketing Course and he has been profiled in the Wall Street Journal, The Business Journals and he was interviewed on FOX Business TV.
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