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What Is The Value of Google+ Brand Pages?


Now with over 400 million people using Google+, are you starting to think maybe your business should be there, too? If you are thinking along these lines, you are heading in the right direction. It’s critical for a business’s social presence to be where their community is. But, Google+ still doesn’t have widespread adoption like Facebook and Twitter. Why be on Google+ then? The SEO benefits alone might be more than worth it.

Over 1 million+ Brand Pages were created in the site’s first 6 months. In a study conducted by enterprise SEO company BrightEdge, their results revealed that Google+ is catching up to Facebook and Twitter in terms of numbers of top companies on the network. Three quarters of the top brands in the U.S. are now on Google+. So, what’s the bad news? Of the top 100 Brand Pages, only 15 million Google+ users have actually circled one of these brands in comparison to Facebook’s 481 million Page “likes”.

Despite the interaction statistics, I’m sure you are starting to notice more Google+ results in your SERPs. Google+ activity is incorporated even more heavily with Search plus Your World results thrown into the mix.

If visibility within the Google search results is your goal, your business should invest resources into building out a Google+ strategy. Leverage the tools Google+ offers such as Local pages and Communities to gain maximum exposure for your Brand Page.

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Image credit: Marco Bellucci