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10 Golden Rules Internet Marketing Podcast Episode 17  Author Sarah Miller Caldicott Innovate Like Thomas Edison and The 5 Competencies for Innovation, Utterz, Pay Per Call, Ten Reasons to Blog, Domain Name Tips from Monte Cahn of, Google Earth, Marketing Jackass 2.5,  Calls-ins from Geneology Gems, Jon Gluck Wire Tap Studio, Winner of the Podcast-of-the-Week Manager Tools, Song-of-the-Week Mindy Smith  ‘Santa Will Find You’

Please call in your marketing and internet Predictions for 2008 to our K7 call-in line 206-888-6606

Coming up in the next couple weeks:
Interview with Craig’s List ( Founder Craig Newmark!

Interview with Avinash Kaushik Google’s Analytics Evangelist

Call-Ins and emails: Michael Szerencsy, Lisa Louise Cooke – Genealogy Gems Podcast, Sylvia Huang – National Pen, Maureen Landa McGavin, Jon Gluck Take 5

Interview with Monte Cahn of Moniker

Misha – FaceBook
Michael Ten Reasons Every Company Should Have a Blog
Jeff – Top Viral Videos
Susan – Utterz
Rosi – Jackass 2.5 (Free Movie Download)
Margie – Google Earth Plays YouTube Videos

Podcast of the Week
We selected Manager Tools as our Podcast of the Week!

Interview with Sarah Miller Caldicott – Co-Author of Innovate Like Edison

Song of The Week  – Mindy Smith  “Santa Will Find You”


Ten Golden Rules of Internet Marketing Podcast  Call-Ins and emails

Michael Szerencsy – Pay Per
Congratulations to Michael the winner of the Google t-shirt from Pubcon!

Lisa Louise Cooke – Genealogy Gems Podcast

Sylvia Huang – National Pen

Maureen Landa McGavin – Underscores vs. Hyphens and Dashes for Search Engine Optimization

Jon Gluck Take 5 Wire Tap Studio

Interview with Monte Cahn of Moniker (

Moniker Domain Name Auction
Domain Masters Podcast

Misha: FaceBook ILike and Vampire Bites
Jeff: Top Viral Videos
Susan: Utterz – Be Herd With Utterz
Rosi: Jackass 2.5 Launch Strategy
Blockbuster Link for Free Hollywood Movie – Download Jackass 2.5
Margie: Google Earth Plays YouTube Videos
Michael: Ten Reasons Every Company Should Have a Blog

Podcast of the Week
Congratulations to Manager Tools the10 Golden Rules podcast of the Week! A great podcast about managing your time and your team.

Interview with Sarah Miller Caldicott
Co-Author of Innovate Like Edison

Thomas Edison’s 5 Competencies of Innovation

  1. Solution-centered Mindset
  2. Kaleidoscopic Thinking
  3. Full-spectrum Engagement
  4. Mastermind Collaboration
  5. Super-Value Creation

Jay’s recommendation Napoleon Hill’s Book Think and Grow Rich



Song of The Week  – Mindy Smith ‘Santa Will Find You’

Thanks for the 10GR Theme Music DJ Sean Miller

Top Ten List Music – ‘Ten to One’ The Wise