Episode 25 – The World’s First Ever Beaver cast recorded on a Beaver dam in Northern Ontario, Canada, Calls from Ben Caron ADHD1.net (link to ADHD1.net) , Jim Paris Christin Money (link christianmoney.com ) and Larry Metter of Evoke Advertising The Ten Hottest Strategies in Internet Marketing, Widgets, SEO meets PR, Globalization, a Shout Out to Content, Ratings and Reviews, The Top Ten Reasons Traditional Advertising Agencies Suck at Internet Advertising Google Checkout, an Interview with Marketing Ninja Christopher S Penn, Co-Founder of Podcamps, The Financial Aid Podcast and Marketing Over Coffee Podcast we discussed a wide range of topics including Digg, Del.icio.us, Mining a Database, Unique Value Propositions, Free money, Lead Generation, Conversion Strategies, Rush Limbaugh, Data Oriented marketing, UNIX Programming, Php custom scripts, Sequel Language, BB Edit text editor, write your own search engine with open Google API’s, Blue Sky Factory Commercial Mailing, Twitter Group Asynchronous Instant Messaging, Analytics, Song-of-the-Week Escape Goats “Canada Day” Call our 24-Hour Digital Recording Line 206-888-6606