Squidoo is a community where you can publish information that you know all about and share with others. Lenses (a Squidoo page) can be pretty much about any topic and can point to other websites on the web. Squidoo can...
Category: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
A fantastic Day 1 at Pubcon 2007 – WebmasterWorld in Las Vegas was wraped up with an amazing panel Moderated by Silicon Entrepreneuer Guy Kawasaki from Truemors, Matt Cutts from Google, Tim Mayer from Yahoo!, Rahul...
Make sure your information is processed correctly in searches, marketing emails, blogs and the product listings in shopping sites by validating your HTML, especially the special, non-standard, or foreign characters. There are...
Matt Cutts, a software engineer with Google, gives a great explanation on how Google creates the snippets found on search engine results. Here’s an example of a snippet for Starbucks: As you can see the snippet consists...
Did you ever see a website with a link that reads, “Click here?” We’ve all seen this around the web, and most don’t realize that this phrase puts their website at a disadvantage. Since search engines place a lot of...