Another creative application from a Social Networking site, Twitter Blocks! Facebook led the way by opening up their back end to allow developers to add applications, small programs that provide functionality (or fun) for...
Category: Social Media
Being new to this arena, I’ve had to learn quickly about the newest ideas relating to the Internet. With a background in public relations, I was intrigued to hear about a new form of press release being put out. With the...
If you knew me, you’d know how hard it was for me to type that title. Having been a “webbie” since 1994, I am one of those die-hard lovers of the Internet, making it a routine part of both my personal and...
Recently a client asked if they should still send out their eNewsletter even though they felt their website was not up to par – and in fact – had just started working on a redevelopment project. I suggested that, rather...
We all know the type. They have more contacts in LinkedIn than anyone could possibly know, and they accept every MySpace friend invitation. They even aggressively seek out new connections just to get more. They do these...