Episode 29 Andy Sernovitz Author and Word of Mouth Marketing Expert Word of Mouth Book, Live Question and Answer sessions from SIPA and the Advertising Federation, SEO Digger, Zappos.com, Dynamic Keyword Insertion,...
Episode 28 Geoff Ramsey from eMarketer, the top two trends on the internet and the wave of the future, The Top Ten Internet Marketing Trade Shows, TGR Podcast Intern Loukas Koufodontes MarketingRopes.com, online...
Episode 27: Josh Macht from Harvard Business Review, Network Solutions’ Social Media Swami Shashi Bellamkonda, Google Chrome, Qik, Utterz, Flip, MattCutts.com, White Paper Conversion Rates, How to start podcasting,...
Episode 26 Robin Cowie from Worldwidebrands.com and viral internet breakout the Blair Witch Project. Best selling author, columnist Pulitzer Prize winner Dave Barry with the joke of the week, Calls...
Episode 25 – The World’s First Ever Beaver cast recorded on a Beaver dam in Northern Ontario, Canada, Calls from Ben Caron ADHD1.net (link to ADHD1.net) , Jim Paris Christin Money (link christianmoney.com ) and...